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Neji Life Style

What epidoe does neji die ? Episode 364, Chapter 614: In a meeting, Naruto manga's creator Masashi Kishimoto  expressed that Neji needed to kick the bucket to go about as an episode to pull   Naruto and Hinata are closer. It alludes to Episode 365 of Naruto Shippuden Anime,  where Neji's inconvenient demise Naruto is devastated, and Hinata empowers him.  Neji passed on in Episode 364 of the Naruto Shippuden  Anime Series. He forfeited his life while saving Naruto and Hinata from 10  Tails! Neji Hyuga:  Neji's demise is  unarguably perhaps the most stunning one we've found in the series to date. The  Hyuga wonder wound up biting the dust in the Fourth Great Ninja War while  attempting to protect Hinata Hyuga from the Ten-Tails' assault. Neji and its life style information is available on theinfotrunk .

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